Airports are root objects, meaning it does not have a parent object.
AIDs identifying airports have APT
as their namespace.
An airport identifies a landing site, regardless of its form, usage or amount of traffic. For example, a heliport next to a hospital will be modelled by an Airport object.
Separate landing surfaces within the same establishment, for example, different runways or helipads within the same airport, are identified as Runways, not as separate Airports.
Below is a description of all properties of the Airport object:
A string with the AID of the airport, with APT
as namespace
string, null
A string with the 4-letters ICAO code of the airport, ornull
if none is assigned
string, null
A string with the 3-letters IATA code of the airport, or null
if none is assigned.
⚠️Being deprecated
string, null
A string with the FAA code, or null
if none is assigned.
string, null
An identifier issued by the local authority, which is not recognised as an official ICAO or IATA code.
The name of the code for each country can be found in Country.localIdentifierName
object, null
A Coordinates object which represents the location of the Aerodrome Reference Point.
This is null
when the information is not known.
number, null
A decimal number representing the elevation of the airport expressed in meters. Two decimal positions are provided, for precise conversion to feet.
This is null
when the information is not known.
number, null
A decimal number representing the magnetic variation at the airport. This is expressed in degrees, with two decimal positions. Positive for East variation and Negative for West variation.
This is null
when the information is not known.
string, null
The time-zone of the airfield as noted in the IANA Time Zone Database.
indicates that this information is not available.
The name of the airport. This should be the official name of the airport written in Latin characters.
string, null
A string containing the name of the city served by the airport.
This is null
when the information is not known.
string, null
A Governing District object indicating the Governing District of the servedCity
This is null
when the information is not known.
string, null
A String containing the name of the city where the airport is situated (not the major city that it serves, as in servedCity
This is null
when the information is not known.
string, null
A Governing Distric object indicating the Governing District of the administrativeCity
This is null
when the information is not known.
string, null
A string that describes the type of airport. Possible values are:
a defined area, often certified by a local authority, with infrastructure to support commercial operations, and at least one runway in service.HELIPORT
a location uniquely designated to the operation of helicopters or other VTOL aircraft.AIRSTRIP
an area prepared for the operation of aircraft. This differs fromAIRPORT
in that the quality of the landing surface and surrounding infrastructure may not be guaranteed, surveyed or certified by a suitable authority.WATER
a site used by aircraft on floats. This may be defined by buoys or other markings, or not.
indicates that the information is not known.
string, null
A string that identifies the type of operator that runs the airport. Possible values are:
an airport that is operated by a governmental body or by a private or public company on behalf of a governmental body, in the public interest (i.e. London Heathrow).PRIVATE
an airport that is operated by an individual or a company, for revenue or not, where there is no involvement of public bodies in the decision making.MILITARY
an airport that is operated by a military or paramilitary entities, such as Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, State Police, etc. Access to such airport may be granted under rules set by the operating entity.JOINT
an airport that is at least in part operated by a military or paramilitary body. The aerodrome may have a dedicated military side, or military interests in other forms, like training grounds.
indicates that the information is not known.
list, null
A list of strings that identifies what type of traffic has access to the airport.
This is null
when the information is not known.
Each element of the list is a string of possible value:
Civil flights of a scheduled nature. Usually notified to Air Traffic Control with ICAO flightplan of typeS
Civil flights of non-scheduled commercial nature. Usually notified to Air Traffic Control with an ICAO flightplan of typeN
Civil flights of a private nature. Usually notified to Air Traffic Control with an ICAO flightplan of typeG
Civil flights performed for training.BUSINESS_AVIATION
Civil flights of a private or commercial nature. These are usually operated with aircraft of any type or size, but generally in configurations of less than 19 passengers.MILITARY
Any type of military traffic.HELICOPTER
Any type of flight operated by a VTOL aircraft.
boolean, null
Indicates if the airport is capable and authorised to accept flights operating under Instrument Flight Rules.
if IFR flights are accepted, false
if the information is not known.
boolean, null
Indicates if local regulations mandate that visiting aircraft utilise a ground handling company.
if the use of a ground handling company is mandated, false
if the information is not known.
boolean, null
Indicates if local regulations mandate that pilots are qualified before operating at the airport.
if pilots require a qualification, false
if the information is not known.
When this property is true
, the properties qualificationLink
and qualificationNotes
may contain additional information.
string, null
A URL that points to a page explaining the process for pilots to obtain the qualification required to operate at the airport.
indicate that this information was not added.
string, null
Free-text notes about the mandatory qualification that must be obtained before operating at the airport.
if this information was not added.
string, null
Indicates what kind of permission is required for non-scheduled flights (of either a private or commercial nature) to operate on the airport. Possible values are:
if no permission is requiredUNAVAILABLE
if the airfield is not available for non-scheduled traffic.PPR
if permission is required, and once obtained it does not restrict the aircraft to operate at a certain time during the day.SLOT
if permission is requires, and once obtained it does restrict the aircraft to operate at a certain time, for which the permission was issued.
indicates that this information is not available.
If this property is not null
additional information may be available in the nonScheduledPermissionNotes
string, null
Free text with an explanation of the permission that needs to be obtained by non-scheduled flights to operate.
number, null
The maximum number of passengers seats allowed for each aircraft operating at the airfield.
When this is set to 999
there are no restrictions imposed.
indicates that the information is not known.
number, null
The highest MTOM (Maximum Take-off Mass, or Weight) allowed for an aircraft operating at the airfield.
Values are expressed in Kilos.
When this is set to 9999999
there are no restrictions imposed.
indicates that the information is not known.
number, null
The largest wingspan allowed for an aircraft operating at the field.
Values are expressed in meters.
When this is set to 999
there are no restrictions imposed.
indicates that the information is not known.
string, null
If an airfield is known to not publish weather reports, or if the weather reports are not published 24h a day, the identifier of a different location can be specified here to indicate which nearby station best describes the weather conditions at the airfield.
The value of this field is the AID of a nearby airport that is known to issue weather reports 24h a day.
indicates that this information was not added.
Last updated
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