
Providers are children elements of an Airport.

Providers can optionally have children elements, that are Products and describe goods or services offered for sale or hire by the Provider.

A Provider represents an entity at or nearby an Airport that provides some service that can be useful to aircraft operations or aircraft crew members.

All Providers have AIDs in the PRV namespace.

It is worth noting that Handling Providers have additional properties to extend the Provider model. These are contained in the handlingProvider property. Details are discussed further down on this page.

Generic Provider






A string with the AID of the airport, with PRV as namespace.



Represents what the nature of the business for this provider is. Possible values are: – HANDLING For all ground handling providers. Providers with this category will be extended by property handlingProviderFUEL For all fuel providers. Providers in this category will be extended by property fuelProviderDEICING For companies offering aircraft de-icing and anti-icing. – CATERING For companies offering food packed for carriage and consumption on-board an aircraft. – PRIVATE_TRANSFER For companies offering transport by road with private-hire vehicles (cars, minibus, bus), as opposed to regular taxi companies. – TAXI For regularly licensed taxi companies. – CAR_RENTAL For companies offering vehicles for hire without a driver. – HOTEL For all hotels and accommodation facilities. – RESTAURANT For food businesses that have premises dedicated to hosting guests for on-site dining. These locations may also offer takeaway catering. – CAFETERIA For food businesses that mainly focus on hot and soft drinks and light refreshments to be consumed on-site or taken away. – AIRCRAFT_CLEANING For companies dedicated to carrying out aircraft interior and/or exterior cleaning. – LAUNDRY For companies dedicated to washing laundry. This may include aircraft laundry as well as clothes and uniforms and could be self-service or fully serviced. – DISH_WASHING For companies dedicated to washing aircraft crockery and cutlery. – MAINTENANCE For companies certified to carry out aircraft maintenance. – AIRCRAFT_SERVICING For companies able to support aircraft with minor services, like tire pressure checking and inflation, towing, oxygen refill, power carts, air start, etc. These companies may or may not be certified by the competent authority, depending on the regulatory framework. – TAX_REFUND For services that facilitate claiming of taxes for international customers. These may governmental agencies or commercial establishments. – SUPERMARKET For grocery shops. – AIRCRAFT_SUPPLIES For businesses dedicated to the warehousing sales and distribution of aircraft spare parts and consumables.



The name of the business.


string, null

The email address of the business. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null

The phone number of the business during regular business hours. null indicates that this information is not available.


number, null

The frequency in Mhz for voice communication between the aircraft and the Provider. This is in the range of 118.000 and 136.975. null if this information was not added.


string, null

The phone number of the business outside of regular business hours. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null

The website of the business, pointing to the page most relevant for this location. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null

The SITA address to communicate with this business at this location, or the most relevant location. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null

The AFTN address to communicate with this business at this location, or the most relevant location. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null

The street address, including any numbering, for the business. This should be the most relevant address where the business can receive customers, suppliers and deliveries. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null

The locality, if any, for the business address. For locality, we intend a local subdivision of territory which is finer than the city boundaries, if this is used for postal routing. For example, Trumpington which is a locality of Camridge city. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null

The city of the business address, as used for postal routing. null indicates that this information is not available.


string, null


string, null

The postal code, according to the standard of the country. null indicates that this information is not available.


object, null


list, null

A list of payment methods that can be used at the Provider. These are intended available without prior arrangement with the provider and accepted for all customers. Possible values are: – VISA Visa debit and credit cards – MASTERCARD Mastercard debit and credit cards – AMERICAN_EXPRESS American Express cards – DINERS_CLUB Diners Club cards – JCB JCB cards – DISCOVER Discover cards – WORLD_FUEL_SERVICES World Fuel Services card or Release – COLT Colt card or Release – UVAIR UVair Fueling Card or Release – AVFUEL AVCARD or Release – AIRBP AirBP card or Release – TOTAL Total card or Release – SHELL Shell card or Release – OTHER_CARNET other carnets not listed above. – OTHER_RELEASE other releases not listed above. – INVOICE the Provider will send an invoice to the customer for later payment. – CASH cash in the local currency, and possibly in other international currencies.

BITCOIN Bitcoin on-chain transactions.


number, null

This number indicates to clients in which order to display providers of the same category to the end users. The position in this list depends on a series of commercial, data quality and usage factors. -1 indicates a provider that should always be displayed on top, as “Featured”. These providers have been checked by our curators team and reliability of the data is highest. Only one provider per category at the same location can have this set to -1. Any other value from 0 upwards indicates a decreasing position under the featured provider, if any. For clarification, 0 should be displayed before 1 and 1 before 2. null indicates that the provider has not been vetted by our team, and the accuracy of the data is not guaranteed.



This will contain methods to retrieve the logo of the Provider.



This will contain methods to retrieve pictures for the Provider.




object, null

If category is HANDLING, this is an object that describes properties specific to Handling companies. Full details can be found in the next paragraphs. null if category is any other value.


object, null

If category is FUEL, this is an object that describes properties specific to Fuel companies. Full details can be found in the next paragraphs. null if category is any other value.

Handling Provider





string, null

The type of service offered by this Provider. Possible options are:

  • HANDLER for a ground handler that usually serves airlines, or a non-GA/BA specific ground handler.

  • FBO for a specific GA/BA ground handler.

  • SUPERVISION for a local representative offering airside support to GA/BA flights using equipment of another ground handler.

  • SUPPORT for any remote arrangement that facilitates the operations of GA/BA flights.

null if this information is not available.


string, null

The email address of the Accounting department. This is where the Provider prefers to receive emails related to accounting and financial matters. null if this information was not available.


string, null

The phone number of the Accounting department. This is where the Provider prefers to receive calls related to accounting and financial matters. null if this information was not available.


object, null

null if this information is not available.


list, null


list, null

A list of Coordinates objects which delimit the area of the main building from which this Handling Provider perform its core services. null if this information was not added.


list, null

A list of services offered by this Handling Provider at their premises for passengers’ convenience. Possible values are: – DEDICATED_TERMINAL a dedicated area in an own building, or part of another building, where passengers are physically separated from the airline passengers. – CUSTOMS_ON_SITE a customs checkpoint on site, or the possibility to arrange one on request. – SECURITY_ON_SITE a security screening point on site, or the possibility to arrange one. – AIRSIDE_BOARD_TO_BOARD the possibility to transfer a passenger from an airline flight to a GA/BA flight, or vice versa, meeting the passenger at a location airside. – LANDSIDE_CONNECTION_ASSISTANCE the possibility to transfer a passenger from an airline flight to a GA/BA flight, or vice versa, meeting the passenger at a location landside. – AIRLINE_MEET_AND_GREET the possibility to receive an airline passenger to facilitate airport procedures. It is not specified if this happens landside or airside. – CREW_COURTESY_CAR the availability of a car to be used by the crew for the period of time their aircraft is serviced by this Provider. – CAR_RENTAL a dedicated car-rental point, or the possibility of having rented cars picked-up at the location of this Provider. – CREW_TRANSFER transfer for the crew members, usually to and from their hotel, arranged by this Provider. – CONFERENCE_ROOMS the availability of rooms equipped to allow meetings at the premises of the Provider. – CREW_SHOWERS the availability of shower facilities and changing rooms for crew members to use. – PASSENGER_SHOWERS the availability of shower facilities and changing rooms for passengers to use. – CREW_SNOOZE_ROOM a room equipped in such a way that allows crew members to take short periods of sleep. – PASSENGER_SNOOZE_ROOM a room equipped in such a way that allows passengers to take short periods of sleep. – CHILDREN_AREA a safe area dedicated to children’s play. – COMPLIMENTARY_REFRESHMENTS the availability of refreshments for the users of this Provider. – CONCIERGE_SERVICES the availability of ancillary services arranged by the Provider on behalf of the user. – CREW_CAR_PARK car park dedicated to the crew members of an aircraft using this Provider. – PASSENGER_CAR_PARK car park dedicated to the passengers of an aircraft using this Provider. – TAX_REFUND the availability on site of a service that facilitates claiming of taxes for international customers. This may be a governmental agency or a commercial establishment. – SHOPS_ON_SITE shops on the premises of the Provider. These may be convenience stores, gift shops, or other generic shops. – RESTAURANTS_ON_SITE restaurants on the premises of the Provider that serve food and have space for dining in. – CATERING_COLD_STORAGE the possibility of storing catering supplies in a refrigerated compartment or room. – LUGGAGE_STORAGE the possibility of storing customer luggage for a definite period of time. null if this information was not added.


list, null


list, null

Last updated

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